Welcome to DEF-sport The danish union for elite athletes
The Danish Athletes Association (Danske Elitesportsudøveres Forening – DEF-sport) is a non-governmental and fully independent association of athletes which safeguards the interests of all Danish elite athletes.
The purpose of DEF-sport is to maintain, protect and develop the athletic, economic and social interests of all Danish elite athletes during and after their career. The work consists of individual guidance and pursuit of collective interests.
DEF-sport consists of the existing player associations in badminton, basketball and icehockey and of the individual athlete who are not represented by their own players union, e.g. cycling, martial art, rowing, yachting, etc.
DEF-sport is an economically and politically independent organization based on the idea that cooperation and a positive and constructive dialogue between all relevant parties in the athletic community will create the best working conditions for athletes and federations and thereby create the best results for Danish sports. DEF-sport is the athletes voice before the Danish Ministry of Culture, TEAM Danmark, Danmarks Idræts-Forbund and national sports federations. DEF-sport is also the contact to political parties and public agencies.
If you want to become a member of DEF-sport or need more information about the organization then contact the DEF-sport department at the following telephone number: (+45) 3011 1194 or e-mail: kontakt@def-sport.dk.